the book.

a dusting of dark.
a dash of hilarity.
a dab of brilliance.
mix well.
Introducing the new children's book that's finally changing the publication game
...for the better!
the creators.
Hunter is the father of three wonderful children: James, Ansel, and Sonia. Professionally, he is a Certified Cheese Professional with over 25 years in the specialty food industry.
What do you get when you combine an in-demand food expert, a renowned fashion illustrator, and a forward-thinking magazine publisher with artistic vision?
Denise Fike has owned a custom wallpaper design business, worked as an advertising artist, and enjoyed being a professor at Moore College of Art and Drexel University. She loves creating fashion illustrations and paintings – but best of all, being Nonna.
[layout + production]
Eddie is a professional marketer, branding expert, graphic designer, Owner & CEO of Loose Leaf Concepts LLC advertising agency, and Owner/Founder/Publisher of Philly Current Magazine & Philly Current LLC. He is "daddy" to Raelle and Sydney.